Beacon Hill Architectural Commission
The commission will hole its monthly public hearing on Thursday, October 19, 2017.
(Use Congress Street as an entrance and exit after 5:30pm)
Discussion Topics
18.295 BH - 36 Joy Street: Ratify the installation of a street address sign on the gate adjacent to the building by modifying the finish (VIO.BH.61).
18.279 BH - 24-24A Joy Street: Ratify the installation of a steel beam under the stone lintel at the Joy Street entryway (VIO.BH.71).
Design Review
18.011 BH - 7 Otis Place: Replace the 6’-0” tall painted wood fence and gate along the rear property line in-kind.
18.155 BH - 13 South Russell Street: Replace the roof deck with a metal railing; and replacing the roofing membrane system.
18.236 BH - 68 Beacon Street: Replace wrought iron fence and gate with a black painted finish in-kind.
18.265 BH - 28 West Cedar Street: Install four mechanical units on the rear roof; replace the deteriorated slate shingles and copper flashing in-kind on the front roof; replace the slate shingles on the main roof with a rubber roofing membrane; replace the metal vents; repair the wood trim on the front dormers and repaint black; and repair the sheet metal on the rear dormer and repaint black.
17.1159 BH - 40 Beacon Street: Construct a rooftop addition on the rear ell extension.
17.1345 BH - 38 Lime Street: Install bluestone pavers, a portable outdoor kitchen, and a gas- fired table on the side terrace; and install planters within the terrace.
17.1078 BH - 57 Mount Vernon Street, Apt. 5: Replace two sets of paired six-lite wood casement windows with an off-white painted finish at the fifth floor.
17.1517 BH - 1 Primus Avenue, Apt. 1: Remove existing storm windows; replace two six-over-six and two four-over-four, double-hung wood windows with a black painted finish at the first floor.
18.109 BH - 19 Phillips Street: Remove existing storm windows; replace two six-over-nine and twelve six-over-six, double-hung wood windows with an off-white painted finish at the first, second, and third floors on the front and rear façades.
18.282 BH - 21 Joy Street, Apt. 2: Replace two six-over-six, double-hung wood windows with an off-white painted finish at the first floor.
18.203 BH - 37 Beacon Street: Replace three eight-over-eight and three six-over-six double-hung wood windows with simulated-divided-lite aluminum-clad wood sashes in an off-white finish at the second floor on the front façade.
18.122 BH - 61 Hancock Street, Apt. 7: Replace eight sets of paired six-light wood casement fourth-story windows with an Essex Green painted finish.
18.425 BH - 26 Mount Vernon Street: Replace roof deck.
18.422 BH - 73 Chestnut Street: Amend Certificate of Appropriateness 17.1152 BH to repaint all woodwork at front façade gray (Sherwin Williams, Color 7018 Dovetail) based on pre-existing historic paint colors determined by paint analysis.
18.429 BH - 7 Brimmer Street: At front façade entry steps install black steel center railing.
18.423 BH - 75 Beacon Street: Construct rooftop addition and rear yard addition; modify front area-way including installation of brick paving, granite curbs and iron fencing; and restoration of windows.
Administrative Review
18.162 BH - 20 Beacon Street: Re-caulk and repaint all of the windows on the front façade black.
18.432 BH - 33 Beacon Street: At front façade clean masonry; remove staining from building name plaque; repaint shutters, door, fire escape and fence to match existing color; and install new copper downspout.
18.222 BH - 37 Beacon Street: Repaint all wood window frames, brick molds, and sills off-white.
18.426 BH - 66 Beacon Street: Replace second story window signage and tenant plaque at entry.
18.302 BH - 74 Beacon Street: At rear elevation, replace copper roofing, flashing, gutters and copper cap at parapet wall in-kind.
18.249 BH - 79 Beacon Street: Repaint all windows, wood trim, and entryway and doors dark green; and repaint the metal railings and window grates black.
18.227 BH - 91 Beacon Street: Replace the six-panel wood door with a black painted finish and brass hardware in-kind within the garden wall.
18.092 BH - 33 Brimmer Street: Install one aged brass light fixture between two doors to the roof deck on the rear façade.
18.175 BH - 36 Charles Street: Repoint two brick chimneys and apply cement coating to the top of the chimneys; replace flashing at roof lines; repair brick façade at fire escape at all attachments; repaint fire escape gray; and clean façade.
18.176 BH - 38 Charles Street: Repoint; clean façade; replace flashing at roof lines; replace copper parapet coping cover; and repair the sheet metal cladding on the headhouse and coat with a patina green elastomeric coating.
18.415 BH - 71 Chestnut Street: Repair and repoint masonry at side elevation.
18.405 BH - 82 Chestnut Street, Unit 33: Remove two storm windows, and replace one double-hung ten-over-one wood third-story window (facing Chestnut Street) and one double-hung six-over-one third-story wood window (facing Charles Street) both with brown painted finish in-kind.
18.361 BH - 42 Garden Street, Unit 2: At front façade remove storm windows and replace three non-historic double-hung two-over-two second-story wood windows in-kind.
18.362 BH - 42 Garden Street, Unit 3: At front façade remove storm windows and replace three non-historic double-hung two-over-two third-story wood windows in-kind.
17.1157 BH - 14 Hancock Street: Clean the precast concrete portion of the façade using water; resurface deteriorated portions using a tinted cementitious stucco; and repoint.
18.284 BH - 47-49 Hancock Street: Replace roofing membrane system, copper flashing, and copper edging in-kind.
18.280 BH - 78 Mount Vernon Street: Reset and replace where necessary the slate shingles and copper flashing on the roof; and repaint the shutters black and the windows, trim, entryway surround cream, and the front door blue; replacing broken and missing shutter dogs in-kind; and installing flower boxes at the first floor windows.
18.294 BH - 112 Myrtle Street: Repoint masonry and replace all existing windows in-kind.
18.428 BH - 19 Phillips Street: Replace slate roof tile on front and rear dormers in-kind; and replace front copper gutter in-kind.
18.225 BH - 82 Phillips Street: Scrape, prime, and repaint the entry door and transom window black.
18.354 BH - 22 Pinckney Street: At front façade replace first, second and fourth-story windows in-kind.
18.230 BH - 71 Pinckney Street: Repoint; resurface brownstone lintels and sills using a tinted cementitious stucco, and select replacement of severely deteriorated units with tinted precast units.
18.211 BH - 70 River Street: Replace roofing membrane system, copper flashing, and copper gutters in-kind.
18.286 BH - 5 Smith Court: At south façade replace six non-historic wood windows and entry door in-kind; replace deteriorated wood clapboards and trim in-kind; and re-paint all elements to match existing paint scheme.
18.149 BH - 38 Temple Street: Repoint rear façade; and repaint window frames black.
18.223 BH - 41 West Cedar Street: Replace two copper gutters in-kind.
18.192 BH - 60 West Cedar Street: Replace the copper flashing and gutters in-kind, and the roofing membrane system on the non-visible portions of the roof.
- Review and Ratification of July 20, 2017 and August 17, 2017 Public Hearing Minutes
- Staff Updates