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Boston Public Library Trustees Meeting

 The Boston Public Library Trustees Finance and Audit Committee will meet on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom

This is an open meeting; the public is welcome to attend.

Join the Zoom meeting

Discussion Topics

  1. Agenda

    I.    Welcome and Call to Order

    Evelyn Arana-Ortiz, Committee Chair

    A.    Reading of EDI statement

    B.    Roll Call

    C.    Approval of May 14,2024 meeting minutes

    II.    Review of approval of recommendation of the Boston Public Library Draft Audited Financial Statements for FY24

    Kyle Connors, CPA, Partner, Marcum Accountants & Advisors            

    VOTED: “that, the Trustees Finance and Audit Committee of the Public Library of the City of Boston recommend the Board of Trustees approve the Boston Public Library’s Draft Audited Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2024.”

    III.    Approval of Contract

    Emily Tokarczyk, Chief Financial Officer

    A.    Fields Corner Collection Move and Storage 


    VOTED: “that, the Trustees Finance and Audit Committee of the Public Library of the City of Boston approve the contract with Meyer, Inc. 225 Long Beach Blvd, Stratford, CT 06615 for the amount not to exceed Fifty Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Sixteen Dollars and Zero Cents ($57,716.00) for the move and storage of the Fields Corner Branch renovation.” 

    IV.    New Business

    Evelyn Arana-Ortiz, Committee Chair

    V.    Public Comment

    “Please sign up for public comment the first 30 minutes of the meeting to support effective time management. On occasion, additional public comments on matters formally on the agenda may be allowed at the discretion of the Chair, and time permitting. Members of the public are also reminded that comments may alternatively be submitted in writing to the Clerk for distribution to the Trustees.”

    VI.    Adjournment

    *Next meeting is scheduled on November 12, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. (subject to change) 

    Finance and Audit Committee

     Evelyn Arana Ortiz, Committee Chair 

    Navjeet Bal, John Hailer, Jeff Hawkins, 

    President David Leonard, and Senator Mike Rush

               Clerk of the Board, Pamela Carver

    This is an open meeting; the public is welcome to attend; for information:

    Join the Zoom meeting

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