Boston Groundwater Trust Meeting
The Boston Groundwater Trust Trustees Meeting will be held Thursday, January 19, 2023, at 4 p.m. at the Lenox Hotel, 710 Boylston Street.
Attention: This meeting will be held in person with an option to attend virtually at the link below:
- Meeting ID: 835 0664 3203
- Passcode: 598087
- Or call 1-646-931-3860
Discussion Topics
1. Presentation from SkyGeo on Geotechnical Monitoring:30
2. Adoption of minutes from November 17th meeting:05 VOTE REQUIRED
3. Financial Report:05
4. BluCloud Inc. Update and Review of Letter of Intent:15
5. 2023 Trustee Meeting Dates:05
6. Executive Director’s Report:05
7. Other Business:05