September is Suicide Prevention Month and National Recovery Month
This month, we share support and resources for suicide prevention and addiction recovery.
Suicide continues to be a leading cause of death in the United States; over 50,000 individuals lost their lives to suicide last year. Suicide rates across all populations have held consistently high since 2016, peaking in 2018. Each year we find it important to provide ongoing resources and education to help both those struggling with suicidal ideation and their friends and family. Suicide can feel uncomfortable to discuss, many often worry that just bringing up the topic can increase the chances of it happening, a worry that thankfully has not been reflected in studies. The best prevention involves building a personal and professional support system, and we seek to continue to encourage and be part of community efforts to helping those struggling with suicidal thoughts through social, economic, and structural support.
Below is a list of national and local organizations that contain helpful information and resources. Links provide education, tips on how best to support someone who could be at risk, as well as information on what to do in a crisis, as well as lists of long-term mental health resources:
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 988, the hotline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, also available at
- Samaritans: A local support service for those struggling with suicidal ideation, at phone number 1-877-870-4673
- National Alliance on Mental Illness Massachusetts: Be sure to check out their page on suicide prevention month.
- Talk Away the Dark: A branching support network to bring visibility to SI, offers resources and support.
- Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention
- Massachusetts Suicide Prevention Coalitions and Providers
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
- LifeLink: 855-466-7100
- The Black Mental Health Alliance
- InnoPsych
- Psychology Today Boston Therapists List
In addition, we wanted to add resources for people coping with the loss of someone they love to a deadly suicide attempt. Grief and recovery can be messy and painful, and many take comfort and strength in reaching out to others, professional and peer alike, for support and understanding. Listed below are some recommended resources:
- After a Suicide: Grief Resource Directory: An extensive directory of resources and information for survivors
- Alliance of Hope for Suicide Survivors: This group provides information sheets, a blog and community forum through which survivors can share their experiences and support each other.
- Friends for Survival: This organization exists for suicide loss survivors and professionals who work with them. Features reading, resources, and the Suicide Help Line (1-800-646-7322) for coping with a loved one’s loss
- Parents of Suicide and Friends & Family of Suicides (POS-FFOS):: This website provides a public message board called Suicide Grief Support Forum, a listserv for parents, a separate listserv for others and an online chat room for survivors of suicide loss.
- American Association of Suicidoloogy: More resources and references for suicide loss survivors.
- Boston SafePlace, A local support group for those who have lost loved ones to suicide.
Addiction, despite local and national efforts to expand treatment access, continues to be an ongoing and escalating national crisis. Mental health problems, isolation, boredom, and more all contribute to increased substance use as an escape, as highlighted here. Recovery, for those that seek it, is a challenging process and a lifetime of vigilance for those who are successful in quitting drugs and alcohol. However, there is hope. It has never been easier to access support due in part to increased availability of remote professional and peer support, and long term recovery chances improve with consistent treatment. As usual, we wanted to highlight a list of major peer and professional support services that offer both in-person and remote help, as well as other community and educational resources.
- Massachusetts Alcoholics Anonymous Directory
- New England Narcotics Anonymous Directory
- Al Anon: AA affiliated support network for family and friends of those in recovery.
- Smart Recovery: An alternative peer support network for recovery, focused on coping skills. Offers numerous online support groups.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration: Information and Hotline
- Project ASSERT: Boston area detox and rehab referral service.
- The City of Boston’s Recovery Services Team
- In the Rooms: A global Support and referral service
- NAADAC on National Recovery Month
- National Recovery Month Calendar
As always, please reach out to us at the City of Boston Employee Assistance Program for immediate support and assistance, and be sure to check our resource list. Have a safe and warm September.