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< Go to Building Housing Homepage
Project Name

20 Centre Street

Project Parcels


City of Boston - DND
Project Images
Fernandes Anderson
Property Size
6,440 sq/ft


Dudley Economic Empowerment Partners

Project Goals

This project covers the 6,440 square foot vacant lot located on 20 Centre Street in the Highland Park area of Roxbury. Check back here for updates as the project proceeds!


Summer 2018

Community Feedback

We’re meeting with community members to gather feedback on plans for the site.

Fall 2018

Developer Selection

We’ll release a Request for Proposals and select a developer for this site.

Nov 5, 2018

Request for Proposals (RFP) Opened for Bidding

Nov 05 2018
DND has issued a Request for Proposals for this property. This RFP is soliciting proposals for commercial use to benefit a local business. Follow the link here to download a copy or pick up a copy at 26 Court Street, 10th Floor, Bid Counter. Proposals are due promptly at 4:00pm on Monday, December 10, 2018 at the Bid Counter. Please contact the Project Manager with any questions or comments.
Campbell Stras | Project Manager
Dec 17 2018
The 20 Centre Street RFP has closed. DND received one proposal from Dudley Economic Empowerment Partners. The proposal can be accessed at the link below. Stay tuned for updates! Please contact the Project Manager with any questions or comments.
Campbell Stras | Project Manager
Jan 14 2019
The Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) invites you to a community meeting regarding two City-owned, vacant land parcels located at 20 Centre Street and the John Eliot Square Urban Wild. At the meeting, applicants will discuss their proposals in response to DND's Requests for Proposals for the sites. We encourage you to attend this meeting and provide feedback. Date: Thursday, January 31, 2019 Time: 6:00 pm Location: James P. Timilty Middle School, Conference Room 212, 205 Roxbury Street, Roxbury, MA 02119 Hope to see you there! If you can't attend, you can submit your comments and questions below, or contact the Project Manager. Thank you!
Campbell Stras | Project Manager
Feb 01 2019
Thank you to all who attended the developer presentation meeting (and braving the cold)! DND will continue to collect community input and make a recommendation over the coming weeks. Please feel free to provide comments below or contact the Project Manager. Check back here for updates.
Campbell Stras | Project Manager
Spring 2019

City Planning

This project is going through a zoning review with the Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA). Then we’ll work with the Developer on funding, design, and compliance.

Mar 18 2019
The Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) is pleased to announce that Dudley Economic Empowerment Partners, Inc. was tentatively designated as developer of the property by the Public Facilities Commission (PFC) on March 13, 2019. Dudley Economic Empowerment Partners, Inc. plans to build a three-story commercial building to train members of YouthBuild Boston in the building trades. The building will include a wood shop, classrooms, and community meeting space.
Campbell Stras | Project Manager

Under Construction

Predicted Date: To Be Determined

Project Complete

Predicted Date: To Be Determined
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